Easter Eggstravaganza
Hop on over to Beacon Heights to meet the Easter Bunny, go on an egg hunt, and make crafts!
This is a free event for kids. We’d love to welcome you!
Upcoming Events!
Hop on over to Beacon Heights to meet the Easter Bunny, go on an egg hunt, and make crafts!
This is a free event for kids. We’d love to welcome you!
Get your kids ready to go Back to School with a free clothing exchange! Clothing will be for kids ages Kindergarten through 12th grade. Clothing donations are accepted (but not necessary).
Come away from rush and worry, and focus on God and our relationships with each other! Joey Williams will be our guest minister as we focus on the Parable of the Sower. We will explore the question, "God, where is Your spirit leading next?"
Registration link coming soon.
Friday, February 16, 6:30-8:30 pm at the Temple seminar room
Saturday, February 17, 9:00 am-7:00 pm at the Peace Pavilion
Sunday, February 18, 9:00-11:30 am at the Temple (lunch room and chapel)
Retreat costs will be paid by the congregation, and donations to support the retreat will help cover the cost of meals and use of the Peace Pavilion.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa will be at Beacon Heights, and he wants to visit with you! Bring the kids for free pictures with Santa, pancakes, face painting, and games!
Exchange gently used clothes for new ones for the school year!
Center yourself on Christ’s birth with the Christmas story and Christmas carols in this short worship. In order for you to spend time with your family and friends, we will not have breakfast, Care/Share, or classes this day.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa will be at Beacon Heights, and he wants to visit with you! Bring the kids for free pictures with Santa, pancakes, face painting, and games!
Free children’s clothing exchange: bring outgrown clothes to share with someone else and take home new clothes for the school year!
Hallelujah! He is Risen! Celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with Beacon Heights! Pastor and Elder Phil Thatcher will present the message, and Elder Lynn McMillan will preside.
You may join in person at the church, or online through YouTube.
You are invited to an online worship experience where we can “Share the Passover” and remember the holy day of Maundy Thursday. Passover is a traditional Spring festival that lasts seven or eight days and begins with the seder ceremonial meal. It is this tradition that Jesus and his disciples were celebrating when they gathered for what we now call “The Last Supper.”
We will share in communion, and because the worship will be online, you will need to prepare your own bread and grape juice.
Email beaconheightscoc[at]gmail.com to receive a Zoom link to join the worship.
Join us for a worship celebrating Palm Sunday, and the theme, "Blessed Is the One Who Comes."
High Priest Don McMillan will present the message, with Priest Jennifer Dunsdon presiding. Special music will be provided by Dana Campos. You may join in person at the church, or online through YouTube.
Join us for Easter fun! Free pictures with the Easter bunny, egg hunt, face painting, crafts, and friendship!
Enjoy beautiful music for a good cause: Habitat for Humanity!
Alleluia! Jesus Lives! Join us for a special worship service at 10:30 am with Evangelist Peggy Young preaching and the adult choir singing!
Free Breakfast at 9:00 AM
Classes for all ages at 9:30 AM
Worship at 10:30 AM
Join us for Easter fun! Free pictures with the Easter bunny, face painting, crafts, and friendship!
Bring your children and grandchildren to see Santa, eat pancakes and sausage, get their faces painted, and create fun crafts-- all for FREE at this festive family event!
Bring a dish to share, and enjoy turkey, mashed potatoes, and fellowship, while we thank our generous God!
Join us at this free family event, held in the parking lot at Beacon Heights, where you can bob for apples, play carnival games, and enjoy a campfire!
How will you answer Jesus's question, "Do you love me?" How can you go about feeding Jesus's sheep? Explore these questions and more at the congregational retreat at Lake Doniphan on February 10-12, 2017! Our guest minister will be High Priest Diane Maupin, a member of the Mission Center presidents team.
We've got so many great things in store for you- games, acts of service, a scavenger hunt, a prayer room, campfires, enlightening classes, inspirational worships and more! I hope you can join us!
To register, please fill out the form at this link: https://goo.gl/forms/tqLfziU6NdcAHR6F2
Cost is $40 per person.
Feeling jolly? Feeling hungry? Bring the kids and join us for Breakfast with Santa! Crafts, face painting, pancakes, and FREE photos with Santa!
Take home FREE clothing for your children, ages Kindergarten through grade 12. You can also donate your outgrown clean children's clothing that is in good repair. (Clothing donations accepted but NOT REQUIRED.)
Join us on an adventure at Cross Creek Camp to discover God! Vacation Bible School will be held Tuesday, July 5 through Thursday, July 7, beginning at 6:00 pm with a light supper. VBS will end each night at 8:30 pm. Bring the children in your life (ages pre-K through 6th grade) on a trek through nature to discover God and how he works in our lives!
Click here to register!
Learn to Save Money, Live Healthier, & Help Save the Earth at
the second annual Living Green Expo!
With hands-on activities and displays, demonstrations, local vendors, and a Kid Zone - It's the perfect place for the whole family to learn about living better! And it's free!
Join us at the Family Life Center . 500 W Pacific Ave . Independence, MO
Find out more at www.facebook.com/CofChrist.EarthStewardship
Before we know it, it will be time for the kids to go back to school. If the children in your life are in need of clothes for the new school year, join us for a free clothing exchange. Gently used clothing in children and adult sizes will be available. Start the school year off fashionably dressed!
Join us as we go on a Trek through Thailand to Discover God's Love. VBS will be held from July 22 through July 24 beginning at 6:00 pm with a light supper. VBS will end at 8:30 p.m. Children ages Pre-K through 6th Grade are invited to join us as we journey around the world to Thailand! We'll experience how God is showing love for the children of Thailand just as God shows love for us.
Click here to register!
Pancake breakfast and pictures with Santa? What could be better?
How about face painting, crafts, and games! How about it's all free!
Join us! Invite your friends and avoid those long lines to see Santa!
You're invited to journey to Mayan ruins (built inside our fellowship hall) and to dine with us. A cut-throat treasure hunt and other great games round out the evening. Bring your friends! Contact us for tickets.
BLAST OFF on a Mission to Discover God's Love! Held on Mon, Tues, and Wed evenings, the fun begins with dinner at 6pm. Bible school will include lots of fun activities, like crafts, Bible stories, songs and games. Bring all the children in your life!
To register for this free event, click here
Beacon Heights is a loving and inviting Community of Christ congregation located in Independence, Missouri. We invite you to join us in worship, fellowship, and outreach!
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